Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I am officially the mother of a 3 year old with only one level of volume- Screaming.
Not just any screaming, the blood curling, high pitched, eye wincing, want to rip your ears off kind of screaming.

I am feeling defeated. I have tried being sweet and soft spoken and help her understand the screaming hurts people's ears. Nothing seems to help. I know mostly it's just the age, but holy cow my ears can only take so much...not to mention in public I can only take so many eyes on me before I want to melt away and disappear.

Here is an example of life in my house lately:

Took Emmie's cup to fill with juice during dinner. She started SCREAMING. I tried to tell her I put juice in it and to try it... it took awhile to convince her to try it and she spit it out screaming it was yucky. I dumped it. She was still screaming, I had no idea if she wanted water or juice or what! After standing there, eyes wide, completely and udderly confused, I put the cup down and continued washing dishes. Randomly she calmed down and asked for juice and I filled it back up with the same juice and she happily drank it.
What the HECK?

It's like a little demon takes over my child at random times. I feel completely defenseless and lost in what to do, how to help her and how to discipline her.

Any advice is welcome....and mailing me ear plugs would be much appreciated :)

Life As Mom

Life as mom...
Oh you know I sneak away to pee. Soon I hear the thud thud thud of little feet. 
"Emmie, can I please just pee in peace?"
"Hi mom! I can help you!"
"Emmie, I don't need help"
"Well I can help!"
"No thanks"
"Ok mom, ill just watch you"
"Emmie. Please no. Lol can you go in the other room and wait for me"
"I'll just sit here and watch you."
Then comes in the dog, followed by the baby. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday Schmensday

Emmie: I don't like boys!
Me: Why? Boys are fun! They like to run, jump and play!
Emmie: No! I do not like boys.
Me: Well, daddy is a boy...
Emmie silent
Me: Do you like boys now?
Emmie thinking...: I don't like little boys...I only like big boys.

I've had to hear all day long about how she does NOT like boys. They scare her at the playground. lol

Conversations with a 3 year old are interesting...and frustrating lol.

Me: I love daddy
Me: Yes, he is your daddy...he is also MY husband
Emmie: NO! He's mine!
Me: Emmie...he's your daddy and my husband...like Papa is your grandpa and he's MY daddy
Emmie: NO! Papa is MY papa!
Me: Yes, he's your papa and my daddy.
Emmie: no.
Me: Daddy is your dad, and my husband...Papa is my daddy and your grandpa
Emmie:......Daddy is mine and Papa can be your husband
Me: Emmie...it doesn't work that way...just nevermind. Yes daddy is yours.

Let's not forget about little sayings or misuse of words they come up with

Emmie's nose was dripping so I asked her to go wipe it....
Emmie " no, it's ok mom, I'll just sneeze it in"

I don't know what I prefer....the frustrating, crazy conversations with a 3 year old...or the 10 month old that can pretty much only say NO! :P

But how can you get frustrated with that face? Even if she is digging in your garden pots.

SO what's up with us lately? NOTHING. :)
Alex is buried in schoolwork. Finals week is coming up and I think he's taken up a new residence at campus.  Can't wait for the 6 week break...although we all know the schoolwork will be traded with workwork.
As for me...I'm in the process of applying back to school...just waiting on my ecclesiastical endorsement. I'm still wondering if I'm GOING to do it, but making sure I get everything in order because I more than likely will bite the bullet and just do it. Luckily, BYU-I offers fully online degrees now, so I can still stay home 100% with the girlie girls.

Guess I'll go ahead and just be brave and blog about me for real. I've been pretty down about my appearance. I get going really good at dieting and working out and then after a week or two my husband brings in junk and I fail. I know I could pick it up and keep going, but for some reason that mess up just brings back all the sugar cravings and what not. It's awful.

Anyways...I'm about 10-15lbs over where I want to be and 20lbs over pre-kids weight. I don't expect to ever be pre-kiddo weight, I was super little and could've used a little weight on me. Anyways, so here is where I'm at. You can see I have the front belly sag, and I think my hand is hiding my love handles :P My love handles are the worst, but most my weight went into my thighs. That's where I've been losing most of it over the past 10 months

Ignore the mess. The girls dumped out their bath foam pieces while I was getting ready.

Let's see...Emmie is a firecracker. That kid is an explosive waiting to go off. She's is so much fun, but she's giving me a run for my money lately. Anyone know how to keep a 3 yr old from shrieking and whining all the time? If you have a secret, let me in on it! LOL She's obsessed with Jake and the Neverland Pirates...almost to an unbearable and embarrassing level. It's ALL she talks about. She tells EVERYONE her name is Izzy and that she's a pirate princess.

Ryann.... Rysicle is 10 months old now! And a skinny minnie! Despite how much she eats...
She can stand unassisted now, but has pretty much NO interest in learning how to walk. She loves to say "no"...though I'm nearly positive she has no idea what it means LOL. She also says "mama", "dad", "sissa", "dah" [dog], and "Jesus" [as best as she can lol].
We finally hung some family photos and she crawls over and points at them saying "sissa! sissa! sissa!". She doesn't care about anyone else in the photos. :P Glad she loves Emmie despite Emmie being a total bully!

anyways...be on the look out for more posts from me! hopefully :P