Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New Semester!

We're about a week and a half into this new semester!
Holy cow it's been a crazy week and a half.
Mark is at school from early morning til late afternoon, then he goes to work. He is busy busy busy. Proud of that man :) If you don't mind keeping him in your prayers, it would be much appreciated.
So obviously, his work chose to work with schedule. He is working much less this semester,  but thankfully still working some to help pay a few bills.

Ryann will be 8 months in a week! Lil lady is cruising around furniture and into everything. She's a quick goob. She will come find me no matter where I am in the house. I think it's the most adorable thing ever. She seems to be growing way too fast. Seriously, where did the past 8 months go?? My baby will be 1 in 4 months! What the heck!

Playing in the backyard

Gurgi and Ryann are the best of friends

Her first smooches ever! This is our good friend's, Kyle & Brittney Staley's son, Trace. So cute, but what the heck kid! Mommy deserved those first smooches!

This photo makes me laugh! Don't drink milk and walk!
Baha, jk, the rotating fan hit her unexpectedly. Too funny.

Beautiful baby girl <3

Emerson! Emmie is haaaaaaaaaaaaaandful! I love her to death but boy she's giving me a run for my money. I'm not loving being told to "go away" or "go to timeout". But the good times make up for the frustrating ones. This morning she comes in and said "Mommy, Daddy is my prince, my true love...because I can't find my own". HAHA! She cracks me up.

She loves running around the yard. Won't sit still for nothing.

Emmie and mommy at the mall. I WAS wearing Ryann, but Emmie was starting to melt down so I asked if I could wear her and her whole attitude changed. After I put her in she hugged me and with a big smile said "Mommy, I'm so very happy" <3

Love this photo. Kids are awesome. They can find joy in the smallest things.

Anyways, that's about it for now. Just enjoying the good weather as it comes and loving on my babies :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring Time

Ok...it's been 4 months. I'm slacking!!

I think the last time I wrote Ryann was only 3 months old!
Oh how much has changed!
It's April- Spring time is here!!!!

Emmie has turned 3, and Ryann is 7 months old!
Gurgi also turned 1 ;)

This past semester Mark took one class [it was his "off" track]. He has his final tomorrow! Then he has about a week break before the spring semester starts! It's going to be hectic. He is going full time, and he is speaking with work to shorten his hours. Either they will agree and let him work less or he will have to quit. You can imagine how stressed we are :)
I applied for a local work from home job I found. I had my interview today. First job interview I've done in about 4 years! Yikes! Anyways, he said they were only interviewing 6 people and I would know within 48 hours if I was chosen for the job. Either I get it or I don't, not really going to stress over it now that everything is said and done.

Let's see...Ryann is 7 months old and still our cheery girl. Getting a smile out of that kid is the easiest task in the world. She JUST had her first tooth break through her gums yesterday. So that has been...fun. I hope we either get a break from teething now that it's through or she gets a bunch of teeth at once...I hate seeing my happy girl miserable. She started army crawling when she was 5.5months and around 6.5months she started crawling with her belly off the ground. She's now pulling herself up to standing position and getting into everything!
Unlike her sister, she loves to eat. She's been eating homemade baby food and little bits of what ever we're eating. I'm surprised she's smaller than Emmie was at this age...or from what I remember.

Emmie...Emmie is now 3 years old. She is so smart and definitely a handful. She just started joy school and has been having so much fun learning with her friends. I'll do a post soon on our little rotational school.